
For fifty years, we've helped empower good financial planning for those serving within the Evangelical Free Church of America or like-minded churches.

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FCMM exists to enable pastors, staff members, and missionaries to serve Christ throughout their lives by assisting employing ministry organizations in providing retirement and other benefits.

The FCMM Retirement Plan enables ministry staff to develop a successful retirement life plan with a reliable source of retirement savings and income from money deposited by employing ministry organizations.

FCMM Benefits serves ministry staff, in partnership with employing ministry organizations, by providing benefits that promote financial and personal wellness at an excellent value.


Planning for retirement can be a daunting task — from understanding IRS regulations to wading through all of the options. Not planning at all can almost feel easier.

But good stewardship is planning for the future. And FCMM makes it easy for EFCA churches and ministries to offer retirement and other benefits to their employees at competitive rates, all with the support of a group that shares their Christian values.

We pair a focus on “preparing today to be ready tomorrow” with a careful understanding of IRS regulations and best practices. We also marry personalized support with a close understanding of the church world.